First International Workshop on Growing Plants for Increased Nutritional Value

University of Stavanger, Norway May 12th ­ 14th


Plant researchers at the University of Stavanger, Saerheim Experimental Research Station and Plant Chem are organising a 2-day workshop. The aim of the meeting is to assess the current knowledge and prospective developments in research on crop production and bioactive components, from molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects, to agricultural, ecophysiological and nutritional aspects. The emphasis is laid on flavonoids as active components, and the input factors nitrogen and light.

Chairman: Prof. Cathrine Lillo, University of Stavanger, Norway
Vice Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Kare B. Jorgensen, University of Stavanger, Norway

Here you will find the detailed program, abstracts and photos taken during the workshop.

International advisory board:
Dr. Simon G. Moller, Department of Biology Leicester, UK
Dr. Christian Meyer, INRA, Versailles, France
Dr. Svein Grimstad, Særheim Research Station, Norway
Dr. Rune Slimestad, PlantChem, Ganddal, Norway

Invited speakers:
Prof. Wieslaw Aleksander Oleszek, Pulawy, Poland
Prof. Karl E. Malterud, School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Norway
Dr. Alisdair Fernie, Max Planck Institute, Golm, Germany
Dr. Wolfgang Koppe, Nutreco Aquaculture Research Center, Stavanger
Dr. Kirsten Brandt, School of Agriculture, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Prof. Cathie Martin, John Innes Ctr, Norwich, Norfolk, UK
Dr. Loic Lepiniec, INRA, Versailles, France
Dr. Alex AR Webb, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK.
Dr. Christian Meyer, INRA, France.
Dr. Michel Verheul, Saerheim Research Station, Norway.
Dr. Margareta Magnusson, Dept. of Agricultural Research, Umeå, Sweden
Prof. Uwe Sonnewald, Gatersleben, Germany.
Dr. Simon G. Moller, Department of Biology, Leicester, UK.

Wednesday afternoon/evening May 11th : Arrival/registration
Thursday 12th and Friday 13th : Lectures
Saturday 14th : A morning excursion to Wiig Gartneri AS, a modern greenhouse facility producing heart-tomatoes, cucumbers, other vegetables, and flowers. The same trip will also include a visit to a salmon-seafarm. In the afternoon/evening there is a boat trip to Lysefjord with dinner at Flor and Fjære . Sunday 15th : Departure

Venue: Stavanger is a city of 100 000 inhabitants at the southwestern cost of Norway with picturesque surroundings of fjords and mountains. The airport is situated 10 km from the city, and has direct flight connections to major cities as Copenhagen, Aberdeen, London, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. Accommodation and workshop will take place at Rica Park Hotel, Stavanger.

The conference fee is 250 Euro, which includes lunch and dinner Thursday and Friday, coffee during breaks and abstract book. The excursion to Lysefjord on Saturday including dinner at floor and Fjaere is 100 Euro.

Deadline for abstracts, registration, and payment of conference fee and excursion is March 31st. The number of participants will be limited.

To help us make a consistent layout for the abstracts we encourage you to use the following settings for your abstracts:
One A4-page with 2.5 cm margins and a 0.5 cm cover margin. Headline: 14p Ariel in bold and centred text. Authors and addresses: 10p Arial in italic and the name of the presenting author underlined. Main text: 10p Times/Times New Roman. Pictures and drawings should preferably be embedded in the abstract. Please submit the abstract in a MS-Word compatible format by E-mail.

If you are interested in this workshop please contact Cathrine Lillo ( or Kare B. Jorgensen (, and also let us know if you are interested in giving a talk or present a poster.